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How realistic is Elon Musk’s plan to launch the same Falcon 9 twice in one day?

Elon Musk has claimed in the past that the extremely quick 24-hour Falcon 9 reusey might happen in 2017 or 2018. This was yet another one of his overly optimistic statements, because two years later, SpaceX seems to be far from achieving such a feat. So I thought about what it would take to reuse a booster in one day, what it might look like and what is preventing it from happening.


Fairings might only be reused on Starlink missions until Mr. Steven catches one

SpaceX’s fairing recovery efforts are gearing up again after a 3-month-long slow period caused by Mr. Steven suffering damage in late February. Luckily, Mr. Steven has now been fixed and should be ready in time to try to catch a fairing in about a month. In the meantime, SpaceX has been recovering fairing halves by landing them in the ocean. I have a theory that until Mr. Steven manages to catch a fairing, we’ll only see reused fairings on Starlink missions.


Starlink Compendium

One of SpaceX’s many ambitious projects apart from colonizing Mars and achieve rapid rocket reusability is to build Starlink, a huge satellite constellation in low Earth orbit, which will provide fast internet connectivity around the world. This article provides an overview of all the important information about Starlink, and will be updated over time.


NASA Will Soon Use Dragons and Falcon 9 Boosters That Had Flown Twice Already

On Saturday, Falcon 9 successfully launched a reused Dragon capsule to the ISS as part of the CRS-17 mission for NASA. At a press conference that followed, we learned more about the problems that caused the delay on Friday, as well as NASA’s plans for Falcon and Dragon reuse. It turns out that by the end of the year, we might see CRS missions that will fly Falcons and Dragons that had been used twice before.


The Boring Company Projects

Since its inception, the Boring Company has announced several different projects it is working on. These tunnels are at different stages of development and some have even been cancelled. Other projects are still in the process of obtaining permits, while others are only hypothetical. On this page, you will find information about all Boring Company projects and their status.


Falcon Heavy Center Core Destroyed After Landing Due to Rough Sea Conditions

During last week’s Arabsat 6A mission, all three Falcon Heavy boosters successfully landed. The center core has undergone a hot and challenging return through the atmosphere, yet it still landed safely on the droneship. Unfortunately, before the booster could be secured to the deck, rough sea caused it to tip over. Why wasn’t OctaGrabber used?